Convention Center, Greenville, SC
Monday, April 24, 2023

I. Call to Order: Mark Benoit, SCGOP
II. Election of Temporary Convention Officers – not done in order of agenda
III. Invocation: Mark Burns
IV. Pledge of Allegiance: Cpt. ?
V. Republican Creed: Cindy Risher
VI. Election of Temporary Convention Officers

Rep. Mike Burns nominated Chris Sullivan for temporary President of Convention, Tim Holt, Graze Branch second. Chairman Jeff Davis nominated Ray Sheen for same, second by Harrison Musselwhite. Motion to Close made and second, passed unanimously. Voice vote first – (clear winner was Ray Sheen according to video). After discussion, the vote was eventually determined by standing on either side of hall. Ray Sheen elected temporary Convention President.

Jeff Davis, EC Timberlake, nominated Janice Neikirk for Secretary. Second by Harrison Musselwhite, Simpsonville 6. William Burgess, Enoree, nominated Elizabeth Boyle, second by Marcus Griffis, Fork . Vote determined by lining up delegates on either side of the room. Janice Neikirk elected Convention Secretary.

VII. Approval of Convention Rules. Pedro Mateo, Wade Hampton – amend Rule 8 to make a half vote. Instead of 90 votes, there would be 180 votes. Second, Robert Hamilton, Slater Marietta. Discussion ensued. Call to Question – the nays have it. Motion to Accept the Rules as distributed made by Everett Headley, TR1, seconded by James Hoard. Ayes have it unanimously.

VIII. Approval of Agenda: Ray Sheen clarified that agenda items are out of order. Items to be included for the remainder of the convention are: 8, 9, 14-18. Everett Headley, TR1, Motion to Approve Agenda as proposed. Jeff Davis, point of order – amend the agenda to include election of Teller and Credential Chairmen, with the option to appoint delegate aides. Discussion ensued. Dan Healy, Sulphur Springs second the proposed amendment. Discussion ensued. Call to Question – Ayes have it. Motion passed to Approve Agenda as amended.

IX. Nominations for Teller/Credentialing Committee – Jeff Davis, Timberlake, nominated Heather Sheen for Teller chairman, and Joe McLaughlin for Credential chairman. Second by Harrison Musselwhite, Simpsonville 6. No other nominations. Both were elected by Acclamation as there are no other nominations. **During hiatus to await Credential Report, state delegate ballot was reviewed for misspellings.**

X. Credential Report: 848 delegates attending, 894 elected, 46 alternates to be added. Time spent credentialing the alternates. During interim, Jeff Davis, Timberlake, moved to allow guests. Second by Harrison Musselwhite, Simpsonville, 6. Discussion ensued. Motion did not pass.

XI. County Party Officer Nominations – Chairman, First Vice, State EC

Chairman: Abe Varughese, nominated Sam Manley for GCRP Chairman, Second by Ross Jones, Slater Marietta. Tim Macauley, Greenville 1, nominated Yvonne Julian, second by Jeff Davis, Timberlake and Paul Raberg, Greenville 18. 2nd Second for Sam Manley by Anita Lane, Northwood.
First Vice Chair: Angie Fisher, Verdmont, nominated Mike Voaden. Second by Melissa Ballard, Walnut Springs. Ross Jones, Slater Marieta, nominated Joe Dill. Second by Dena Garzone. 2nd Second for Mike Voaden by Susan Saravia, 2nd second for Joe Dill by Bill Welsh.
State EC: Harrison Musselwhite, Simpsonville 6, nominated Jeff Davis. Second by Griffin Callahan, Greenville Co RP 4th Vice Chair. 2nd second by Jeff Blake, Verdmont. Jay Hershey, Frohawk nominated Julie Hershey. Second by Lisa Hershey, Rockwell. 2nd second by Annette Burgess, Enoree. Paul Howell, Darby Ridge nominated Camden Gerhardt. Second by James Coleman. 2nd second by Joel Gerhardt
**Final Credential Report: 893 delegates/447 to win, or majority.
Chairman Speeches and Vote: Both nominees gave timed speeches; voting commenced.
First Vice Chair Speeches and Vote. Both nominees gave timed speeches; voting commenced. Issues discovered with packets containing no ballots, or too many ballots. Multiple extras were turned into the Secretary.
State EC: Both nominees gave timed speeches; voting commenced.
**Motion to ensure Nate Leupp has zero responsibilities for the work of the Convention – no access to ballots or counting thereof made by Brett Brocato, second by Patrick Bailey, Palmetto. Ayes have it.**

XVI. Resolutions: Resolution included in delegate packet – Censure House Republicans for Requiring Loyalty Pledge and Obstructing Freedom Caucus Members from Serving on Committees. Discussion ensued regarding the use of “Censure.” Rep. Adam Morgan read said Resolution. Motion passed as presented in packet. Harrison Musselwhite made motion to pass the same Resolution substituting the term “Censure” with “Condemns.” Second by Jeff Magg, Palmetto. Motion passed.

Several Motions regarding ReOrg 2025 were tabled for the new EC body to consider.

Election Results: Chairman – Yvonne White 438-408
1st Vice Chair – Joe Dill 439-402
State EC – Jeff Davis 456-335-43

Motion to Recess: Everett Headley, TR1, second by Terry Thacker, Saluda. Ayes have it. Convention recessed at 11:34 PM

*XV. Election of State Delegates happened at the pleasure of the county convention delegates during various downtimes and ballots were turned in when completed.