DRAFT / Working Page – For Discussion Purposes Only
QUESTIONS: You can always call HQ at (864) 243-8528.
GCRP Standing Committee – ReOrg & Membership:
Chairman: Mike Voaden, 3rd Vice Chair – 203-810-6759 (cell), michaelvoaden@gmail.com
Voting Member: Tommy Marraffa
Voting Member: Jo Jones – 843-693-0470 (cell), jogjones@gmail.com
Voting Member: Jeff Davis – 843-901-8036 (cell), jeff@apogeetax.com
5th Voting Member (in case of tie): Yvonne Julian, Chair, GCRP
The 12 GCRP America First Freedom Caucus “Zones”: Greenville County is is made up of 151 Precincts. As we joke, it is easier to organize 46 counties statewide than 151 precincts here in Greenville County. As such, the America First Freedom Caucus of the GCRP has broken down the 151 GCRP Precincts into 12 distinct geographical zones. There is not perfect way to divide these down as all district lines (SC Senate, SC House, County Council, School Board, City, US House, Fire, etc.) are a complete quagmire. It is therefore expected that adjoining precincts will work together, and adjoining Zones will work together as well. There is no “official” structure in the GCRP Rules to the 12 Zones, this simply a new and convenient way to get precincts and local America First Freedom Caucus leaders working together to accomplish the overall mission of promoting the Republican Platform, holding our current elected officials to the Republican Platform, and electing Republicans that will follow the Platform. We expect precincts and zones to send up business to the county level, as well as build GCRP leaders for the future and find potential Republican candidates in your area.
Want to Join the TEAM? If you would like to join our America First Freedom Caucus and serve on one of our Zones or sub-Zones (described further below), please contact us at team@greenvilleGOP.com.
2025 Precinct Delegate Count: Numbers in (__) next to precinct name is the delegate count “estimate” using the 06/11/2024 June Primaries (total votes). Final numbers to be provided once official from the SCGOP State Executive Committee.
2025 Delegates (Based on 6/11 Primary): HERE
151 Precinct Maps: HERE
LOCATIONS: March 1st, 10AM Precinct ReOrg locations will be all over Greenville County and are determined by your precinct. SAVE THE DATE and we will be posting specific locations here soon.
mySCGOP Online ReOrg Manual … the how to manual: https://www.myscgop.xyz/
GCRP 2025 ReOrg Manual (pdf): HERE
ZONE 01 Contacts: Gregory Peck, Steve Boehem, etc.
Ebenezer 254 (20), Bill Coyler, Laura Coyler & TEAM – Abbie Mayar contact, (Shoemaker Xo)
Gowensville 264 (18), – Steve Boehem
Jennings Mill 269 (17), John Ehlers, etc. / Jill K (former Treasurer) (Xog)
Maridell 275 (15), Michael LaPierre
Mountain View 286 (18), _______________ (need new EC) & Ryan Lampinen (current President) – (Xs)
Sandy Flat 307 (35), Ed Maloney, Barry Strohl, Mike F. (Chisholm 8) (30)
Skyland 316 (23), Wyatt Miler
Slater Marietta 317 (22), Terri Atkins / Maureen Scott
Tigerville 330 (28), Mary Wheeler, etc. (Dill & Cathleen Griffith Xother)
Travelers Rest 1 365 (21), __________________, (Boyle & Headley Xog) (21)
Travelers Rest 2 366 (13), __________________, (Spurck Xog) (1) (JW)
Tubbs Mountain 334 (22). Gregory Peck & team.
Zone 02 Contacts: Terri Wicker, Ron Duffala, Keith & Joanna Jones, Julie Ogorzalek,
Castle Rock 348 (24), _______________, (Xs DF)
Fox Chase 349 (25), Ron Duffala, others
Frohawk 350 (18), _________________, (Xs – TM, Millers)
Laurel Ridge 271 (23), Julie Ogorzalek & TEAM
Locust Hill 357 (17), Keith & Joanna Jones
Maple Creek 274 (14), Tersia Baskins, Brian Lohmeyer & TEAM, (2)
Oneal 360 (33), Tami Allen & TEAM (Xo)
Riverside 362 (13), _____________, Jennifer – Terri W
Suber Mill 323 (24), Terri Wicker (EC) & Adriano Macerola (President)
Taylors 328 (13), Luzia Trexler / Sarah Curran (Xo)
Trade 332 (13), Tramaine Booker
Tyger River 367 (7). ______________, couple – (Xs LL)
ZONE 03 Contacts: Abbie Mayar, Tracy Ramano, Jim Wickes & Emerson Cooke.
Asheton Lakes 232 (21), Jim Wickes, Harry Clark, Emerson Cooke, etc.
Canebrake 241 (26), __________________, Xs (TB)
Circle Creek 244 (19), Hudson Blough, Karen Ayers, etc. – Xs (Judy T)
Feaster 257 (7), __________________, Xu
Granite Creek 351 (19), ________________, Xu?
Oakview 289 (23), Elisa Chaney & Sam Chaney
Pelham Falls 294 (9), _______________, Xs
Rocky Creek 303 (10), Patricia Rush & James Rush
Rolling Green 304 (20), _____________, & Jamie Barnes
Silverleaf 309 (21), Tracy Romano & Abbie Mayar
Sugar Creek 324 (25), Matthew Panosian, etc.
Thornblade 329 (23). Susana Saravia & Donna Rains Gottschall
Zone 04 Contacts: Linda Craig, Mike Voaden, Ruth Fabiano, Darren S, Frank Gunther, Liz Gunther, P
Bells Crossing 235 (17), – Darren Swartzendruber
Fountain Inn 1 259 (19), – Mark Willis
Fountain Inn 2 260 (7), – C. Leake
Graze Branch 352 (13), Frank Gunther, Liz Gunther, Linda Craig, Bill Frady, etc.
Hillcrest 354 (14), – Austin Higgs, Brian Edwards, Patty Theriot, etc.
Kilgore Farms 356 (15), – Bill Hogan & Sam Hogan
Simpsonville 1 310 (14), Sherm Jordan / Harriett Marrow
Simpsonville 3 312 (18), Cynthia Horner (moved) / Tim Pinkerton
Simpsonville 5 314 (7), David O’Brien (John Clark moved)
Sparrows Point 363 (12), _____________________, Xog
Sycamore 326 (22), Scott Geer, etc.
Walnut Springs 337 (32). Mike Voaden, Ruth Fabiano, TEAM
ZONE 05 Contacts: Linda Young, Joe Citeno, Greg Crum, Paul Gorski.
Bridge Fork 347 (13), Glenn Hurst, Saliann Mao., Doug Edwards, Kyle Long, etc.
Conestee 246 (12), Xu? – Kevin Quan (current President, expect to recommend for 2025 EC)
Greenbriar 353 (12), Greg Crum, etc.
Greenville 29 229 (7), _______________, Xu
Holly Tree 355 (10), Linda Young, TEAM
Mauldin 1 276 (12), Dave Millhouse & Dan Chism (Xo Roan Garcia)
Mauldin 2 277 (19), Joe Citeno
Mauldin 3 278 (13), Dan Beaver & Nic Wenning
Mauldin 4 279 (16), Harrison Morgan & Hilliard Family
Mauldin 5 280 (10), ________________, Xs (A Helms)
Mauldin 6 281 (11), ______________, Xother (P Taylor)
Mauldin 7 282 (8), Terri Richards & Ira Williams, TEAM – X (was J. Black) (2)
Moore Creek 359 (21), Diana Wier(EC), etc.
Ranch Creek 361 (16), Paul Gorski (EC), etc. (3)
River Walk 300 (24), ____________________, XsXo (J Murphy / S. Brown)
Standing Springs 346 (10), ________________, Xu (was Keven G)
Stonehaven 322 (12), Wayne McClymonds (President / Legislative Committee), Xs (MAC)
Woodruff Lakes 344 (17). _______________, Xo (Stoner) (Middleton)
Zone 06 Contacts: Jeff Blake, Angie Fisher, Christina Mills, Judy Langley, etc.
Baker Creek 346 (10), Judy Langley, etc.
Dunklin 252 (18), _________________, Xo (Welch)(1)
Fork Shoals 258 (16), _________________, Xs (Marcus G), Richard Sabo
Long Creek 358 (15), ____________, Xu
Neely Farms 287 (20), Christina Mills (EC), etc.
Pineview 296 (7), ______________, Xu
Raintree 298 (17), ________________, Xo (Moessner)
Reedy Fork 299 (20), ____________, was Ansel Kellett (2)
Simpsonville 2 311 (9), Al Brillant & Joanne Brillant
Simpsonville 4 313 (7), Jerry Tuso, etc.
Simpsonville 6 315 (13), Harrison Musselwhite
Verdmont 368 (15), Angie Fisher, Harry Fisher, Jeff Blake, etc.
Ware Place 369 (17). ________________, Xo (Julie H)
ZONE 07 Contacts: Peter Ferris, Jeff Davis, Olga Lisinska, Brett B, etc.
Avon 233 (16), ____________, Xo (Fleury / Morgan)
Boiling Springs 238 (19), _______________, Xs (Bell)
Botany Woods 239 (15), – Jeanie Collins, Nathan D, Cindy D, etc.
Brook Glenn 240 (9), _______________, ?(2)
Del Norte 248 (15), Bob Bugos – (EC Williams moved)
Devenger 249 (20), – Jeff Brown
Dove Tree 251 (15), – Brett Brocato
Eastside 253 (20), __________________, (EC Andrea moved)
Greenville 25 225 (7), – Griffin Callahan (EC & 4th Vice Chair)
Mission 283 (23), Barbara Brooks, Bob Nations & Kurt Deibler – Xo (Nanney)
Northwood 288 (18), ________________, Xs (Anita L)
Palmetto 291 (12), Carrie Gifford, etc. – Xs
Rock Hill 302 (15), – Tim Bastine, Lorri Leathers, Henry Scoggins
Spring Forest 319 (13), Steven White. etc. (9)
Timberlake 331 (25), – Jeff Davis, Olga Lisinska, Peter Faris, Allen Stanion & TEAM
Wellington 340 (15). Richard Lawrence (current President), Stan Tzouvelekas, Bill Gautsch – (EC moved)
Zone 08 Contacts: Lenore Skelton, Heather Sheen, Jim Slice, Tammy Slice, Tony D, Eric Beck, Niki Peters, Dillon Peters, Kris Feeney, Milka Plumbee.
Altamont Forest 231 (15), ___________________ (Xo – Killian & Spurck)
Clear Creek 245 (18), – The Sheens, Bruce Ink, etc.
Darby Ridge 247 (27), Jim Slice, Tammy Slice, Tony DiLorenzo, Eric Beck, Jill & Jimmy Hood & TEAM
Edwards Forest 255 (20), Milka Plumbee (Xo Matesevac – confirmed not attending)
Mountain Creek 285 (27), Jeff, Patty, Tom Hashem, etc. (Xo Bright)
Paris Mountain 292 (15), Lenore Skelton, Alex Kiriakides, etc.
Pebble Creek 293 (23), Kris Feeney & Terry Brown
Sevier 308 (24), Yvonne Matthews, etc.
Stone Valley 321 (15), ___________________. (was Hainsworth & a lot of “OTHERS” from 2021 ReOrg Fraud (3))
Wade Hampton 336 (17). The Peters’, Katherine Thomas, Anne Danciu, etc., etc.
ZONE 09 Contacts: Timothy Ried
Belle Meade 234 (10 – was 2), ___________, Xu
Belmont 236 (6 – was 4), ______________, Xu
Donaldson 250 (8 – was 8), Daniel Gable, Xo
Grove 266 (10), Tim Ried
Mt. Pleasant 345 (9 – was 5), ________________, Xs (P Robach) (2)
Piedmont 295 (15), Steve Hudson, Phyllis J,
Royal Oaks 305 (8 – was 2), Bill R.
Woodmont 343 (20). Xo (6) (Martin F / Fred R)
Zone 10 Contacts: Walt Horin, Yvonne Julian.
Greenville 10 210 (15), – John Hoover (3)
Greenville 14 214 (8), – John Ha. (1)
Greenville 16 216 (14), Walt Horin, Sandra Freeman
Greenville 17 217 (15), Robert Costello
Greenville 18 218 (11), – Paul Ring. (moved)
Greenville 19 219 (12), Mike Dahl. / Shakir
Greenville 20 220 (9), Anne Cox, etc.
Greenville 21 221 (8), Elizabeth Jean Scott, Jon Scott, etc (5)
Greenville 22 222 (17), Ron Harris (2024 TRUMP RNC Delegate), Xo (Linda Slaton)
Greenville 23 223 (20), Jim Nietopski, etc.
Greenville 24 224 (20), __________________, Xo (Christy Stahl)
Greenville 26 226 (9), Dee Ann Barton, etc.
Greenville 27 227 (13), Amanda T
Greenville 28 228 (6), ? Jon. V.
Southside 318 (18). Yvonne Julian
ZONE 11 Contacts: Joe McLaughlin, Dan Healy, Tommy Marraffa, David Koop
Berea 237 (6), ________________, Xother (2)
Enoree 256 (21), David Aguilar, Tom Steiner, etc.
Furman 262 (24), Jason Forister, _____________ – Xog
Lakeview 270 (11), Troy McLean, David Ferris, etc. – Xog (2)
Leawood 272 (16), Paula Gonzales, Jimmy Bancroft & TEAM
Monaview 254 (5), ________________ – Xrino (5)
Poinsett 297 (21), Deborah Manning (new EC), Bob Crain (President), Paul Fallavollita, Amand Brett, etc.
Saluda 306 (9), Deborah McLemore, Tommy Marraffa, David Koop & TEAM (9)
Sulphur Springs 325 (16), Dan Healy, (7)
Westcliffe 341 (10), Roger, W., Hannah W, Kingsbury
Westside 342 (9). Joe McLaughlin & family, Jimmy Sorrells.
Zone 12 Contacts: Jo Jones, Libby M., Hugh & Charlene Means, Mark L, Atir S, etc.
Aiken 230 (4), _____________, Xu
Carolina 242 (7 – was 3), Roman F.
Chestnut Hills 243 (8), ______________, Xu
Greenville 01 201 (19), Tim & Debbie Macauley, Joe Farmer, Joe Bowers, etc.
Greenville 03 203 (22), Libby McMillian, Jo Jones, Rebecca Goodman, etc.
Greenville 04 204 (11), Mark Lawrence, (4)
Greenville 05 205 (17), Atir Sveska-Sharpe, Mark Massingill, Adrian Palashevsky. (10)
Greenville 06 206 (1), ____________, Xu
Greenville 07 207 (6), Allyn Basore (1)
Greenville 08 208 (15), Rob Tiro, (8)
Tanglewood 327 (12), Hugh Means & Charlene Means (formerly Ben Carper)
Welcome 339 (7). Robert Julian & TEAM, etc. (3)
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