GCRP HQ, Greenville, SC
Monday, August 8, 2022
Call to Order: GCGOP Chairman Jeff Davis called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm
Invocation: Harrison Musselwhite, (Simpsonville 6 EC)
Pledge of Allegiance: Bob Dowd, (Clear Creek EC)
Republican Creed: Dylan Peters, (Intern)
- Don Crain: Poll workers needed, has applications
- Mark Lawrence: The Frank Speech weekend had lots of proof of how corrupted the voting machines are. Moment of Truth Summit is live stream only.
- Pro-life play ongoing @ ViablePlay.org and will be at Anderson University on October 4th.
- Duke Buckner is running against James Clyburn. Encouraging support for Duke in Rep District 6.
- Chairman Jeff Davis read a letter from Keith Blandford – currently voting on a a Vote of No Confidence against Dr. Hartley, RINO chairman.
- Shannon Bell: pray for President Trump as the FBI is raiding Mar-A-Lago.
State Convention Pt 2 Report: Mike Voaden, Walnut Springs EC, State EC: It was tightly orchestrated and controlled. One vote for 13 rules/motions. No chance to challenge, received less than 24 hours before the meeting. Yvonne Julian, Southside President: Very disappointed in the leadership’s conduct – it was a fake event. A small leadership cabal controls the entire state. One bright spot – Mike Reichenbach is a strong black conservative who took Hugh Leatherman’s seat.
Credentials Report, Joe McLaughlin, Westside EC: 124 organized precincts, 89 represented. 83 is a quorum.
State EC: Harrison Musselwhite moved to nominate Mike Voaden to State EC position, Atir Sveska-Sharpe, Greenville 5 seconded. David Duerling, Maridel EC moved to Close Nominations, Marcus Griffis, Fork Shoals EC, seconded. Candidate spoke for 3 minutes. Vote by Acclamation passed unanimously.
3rd Vice Chair: Janice Neikirk, Castle Rock EC nominated Walt Horin to 3rd Vice Chair, Yvonne Julian, Southside EC seconded.
Jeff Davis, Timberlake EC nominated Steve Boehm, Tony DiLorenzo, Darby Ridge EC seconded. David Duerling moved to Close the Nominations, Keith Jones, Locust Hill EC, seconded. Passed unanimously.
Each candidate was given 3 minutes to speak.
Vote by slip was held. 55 votes for Walt, 15 for Steve, 19 abstained.
RULE DELETION – Mitch Dobrenen, Parliamentarian
To be in compliance with the SCGOP rules, we will vote to REMOVE the NO FAVORITISM Rule – GCRP Rule 4 D. Mitch Dobrenen moved to delete the rule, seconded by Harrison Musselwhite. Verbal vote – ayes have it, one dissent.
- Resolution to Reject the Certified Results of the 2020 Presidential Election – read and presented by Dakota Fitzgerald, Castle Rock. Moved to Accept by Griffin Callahan, Greenville 25 EC, seconded by De Ann Barton, Greenville 26 EC. Call to Question by Marcus Griffis, Fork Shoals EC. Voice vote passed unanimously.
- Concealed Carry in State Parks Resolution – read and presented by Dakota Fitzgerald. Moved to accept made by David Duerling, Maridel EC, seconded by Atir Sveska-Sharpe, Greenville 5 EC. Discussion ensued, Scott Crosby, Mauldin 6 suggested we add “WHEREAS it is legal to conceal carry in US National Parks.” Mike Voaden moved to amend as stated, Janice Neikirk seconded. Marcus Griffis Call to Question, voice vote – ayes unanimously passed.
- Medical Freedom Resolution – read and presented by Linda Craig, President Graze Branch. Harrison Musselwhite Call to Question, verbal vote ayes have it unanimously.
- Ellen Weaver Resolution (previously tabled and reworked by Resolutions Committee). Read and presented by Jeff Davis, Chairman. Motion to Amend by Bob Dowd to “request that the SCGOP Chairman not certify candidates that are not qualified at time of filing. Griffin Callahan Call to Question on the amendment – passed unanimously by verbal vote. Discussion ensued. Marcus Griffis moved to Table, seconded by Lib Tickle, Jennings Mill EC, motion lost to majority in voice vote. Deborah McLemore, Saluda EC, moved to table to January meeting, seconded by Susana Saravia, Thornblade EC, Motion lost by slip vote of 33 Ayes, 35 Nays. Susana Saravia moved to amend resolution by removing Ellen Weaver’s name from the Resolution and make it generic in nature. Seconded by Deborah McLemore. Harrison Musselwhite Call to Question, motion passed unanimously.
As this is a Special Meeting, no further business to be conducted.
Motion to Adjourn made by Janice Neikirk, Secretary, seconded. The ayes have it unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 PM
Movie Night following – Bloody Hill re the Seven Abominations of January 6th
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