Welcome to the inaugural issue of Greenville County Republican Party Committee Chair Highlights Newsletter. Your leadership team thought this would be a good way to keep you up to date on what committees are working on, to show how their work relates to our mission, and to show you the many ways you can get involved.
Let us know if you have suggestions and do not hesitate to reach out to Committee Chairs if you want more detailed information. A list of committees and their leadership can be found at www.Greenvillegop.com/committees
Education: Our current goal is to challenge school board members who are up for re-election by finding potential candidates to run for those positions. There will be six (of the twelve) nonpartisan positions up for re-election in November 2024 – Districts 17, 19, 21, 23 25 & 27. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, reach out to us at team@greenvilleGOP.com.
Election Integrity:We organized poll watchers for Nov. 7th. The committee has recently been given access to a newly created 3rd party FEC database and committee members will soon start downloading data sets. The committee is also assisting with a 3d party app to maintain data and will work with GCRP leadership on our needs analysis for a canvassing app. Several friends are getting us up and running on the technical side:
- Mark Lawrence is researching technical aspects of Election Integrity and coordinating meetings with other entities.
- Austin Higgs is serving as Network Architect/Engineer, Database Developer, and Web Developer. He will develop a process to load data with as little programming as possible.
- Scott Geer is working as our Database Administrator, Winforms Developer, CSLA.NET (middle-tier) Developer, Data Warehousing, and Database Developer/Engineer.
- Dariusz Klim came on board to focus on Data Warehousing.
Events: We just finished the Jambalaya fundraiser, which turned out even better than expected. Thanks to all our volunteers and patriots who made it successful!! We’re now working on the Christmas Parade and the Christmas Party. This is the time to donate to our SILENT AUCTION! Contact Janice Neikirk at 530-200-4100 for details.
Legislative Action: The LA action committee met this week and got reports from their local, state and Federal co-chairs. Key issues are how to deal with County Council leadership who broke platform promise to voters by raising taxes, Constitutional Carry and responses from Senators Graham and Scott on support for HR5 Parental Rights Bill. Discussed important pending legislation, S285 PACE bill and possible new legislation around use of farmland for solar panel farms. Chair Harrison Musselwhite is planning LA day in Columbia January 2024 confirmed date to be announced.
Library: Action Item: Go to a library branch and search the keywords below (or others of your choice) to see if any of the wrong books are still in the children’s section. If they are, go to the librarian and ask them why:
- “gender identity – juvenile fiction”
- “transgender – juvenile fiction”
- “LGBTQ + – juvenile fiction”
If you’d like to join the Library Committee, contact Claire Walsh at scynkee58@yahoo.com.
Medical Freedom: Linda Craig and Harrison Musselwhite worked on resolutions against DHEC. Linda sent them to parliamentarian, Gregory Peck and the committee is awaiting feedback.
Office Support: If you’d like to help with clerical tasks at HQ on a regular basis or to fill in occasionally as a substitute, contact Niki Peters at nikidpeters3@gmail.com or (864) 444-6511. Our office hours are Monday – Thursday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm. HQ is open on Friday’s for the weekly Coffee & Politics.
Outreach: Thank you to everyone who assisted with Randall Fowler’s get-out-the-vote efforts through door-knocking, call banking, and sign-holding!
Pro-Life: We’ve been pretty busy on the Pro-Life Committee. Our accomplishments include: 1) tabling at events, including the SC Life Conference in Columbia and zone meetings, all at which Baby Ellie, our cute red baby stuffed elephant, made her debut 2) several prayer events, including over 30 Republican Party members joining in prayer outside the abortion facility on the anniversary of the overturning of Roe v Wade 3) a prolife movie series (Lifemark, Maafa21, Unplanned, Roe v Wade, and Viable) 4) building our website www.prolifegreenville.com 5) meetings and activities of numerous subcommittees, and 6) a strong corporate message given to county council against the 1A and 2A violations in the proposed ordinance for picketing outside the abortion facility. We’ve got lots more in the works toward our goals to: 1) end abortion in SC (as the #1 issue in our SC Republican Platform), 2) propagate ideas for pro-life political actions and education, and 3) increase involvement and membership in the Greenville County Republican Party!
What can you do? 1) Invite the Pro-Life Committee to have an educational table with pro-life materials at your zone or precinct meeting 2) Consider showing a pro-life movie after your meeting 3) Share www.love4you.life with anyone who is abortion-minded 4) Contact your legislators to tell them you are grateful for the positive impact the Heartbeat Law is having in decreasing SC abortions and saving lives, but you support a complete abortion ban, such as through the Equal Protection Act or the Life at Conception Act. Encourage them to pass this legislation in the 2024 session.
Volunteer Coordination: If you’d like to get involved with a GCRP committee, fill out this quick form to let us know about your interests and receive more information: https://forms.gle/HhQywLWpREmt22dX9
We thank ALL our committee leaders and members for their HARD work and we are looking forward for more exciting updates in two weeks!
The Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) represents Republican voters in Greenville County, SC. Our leadership is elected every two years, and the party meets regularly to conduct business and update its Executive Committee leadership and precinct members.
The Chairman is Yvonne Julian at 864-360-9246. The GCRP holds an open house at its headquarters each Friday from 11am – 1pm. The GCRP also offers a host of events and educational opportunities. For more information, go to www.GreenvilleGOP.com.
Greenville County Republican Party | 2505 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville, SC 29615
www.GreenvilleGOP.com | team@GreenvilleGOP.com | 864-243-8528 (office) | www.facebook.com/GreenvilleGOP
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