Greenville, SC, (June 21, 2023) – Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) Chairman Yvonne Julian called for Special (zoom) Meeting for tomorrow, Thursday June 22, at 7:30 pm to give you a brief update on last Saturday’s state EC meeting, as well as present for your consideration a censure motion your Rules and Resolutions Committee has helped draft concerning a remark made at that meeting by the Lancaster County GOP Chair Sandy McGarry. You can see the draft below for your review.
If you cannot attend, please email or text your Proxy Form (get the form HERE ) to one of the following people prior to 7:30 pm:
Brett Brocato, Joe McLaughlin-, Mary Wheeler-
To vote tomorrow you simply message your name and precinct in the chat for roll call, we will ask for a motion and second on the censure, then you YES or NO in the chat after debate ends. Thank you in advance for your participation in this meeting on the critical topic of elected official accountability and apparent mind set.
ZOOM MEETING: Topic: GCRP Special Meeting, Time: Jun 22, 2023 07:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 839 3463 4446, One tap mobile +13017158592
Yvonne Julian, Chairman
Greenville County Republican Party
The Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) represents Republican voters in Greenville County, SC. Our leadership is elected every two years, and the party meets regularly to conduct regular business and update our Executive Committee leadership and precinct members. We believe in promoting constitutional liberties and furthering the America FIRST agenda started by President Trump. The People are here to end the lies and corruption in local, state, and national politics by holding our elected officials accountable to the Republican Platform and the U.S. Constitution.
The Chairman is Yvonne Julian at 864-360-9246 (cell). The State Executive Committeeman is Jeff Davis at 843-901-8036 (cell). For more information, the GCRP Communications Committee media liaison is Linda Young at 864-787-7522 (text or call).
The GCRP holds an open house at its headquarters each Friday from 11am – 1pm. The GCRP also offers a host of events and educational opportunities. For more information go to
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