GCRP HQ, Greenville, SC, Saturday, January 7, 2023
Call to Order: GCGOP Chairman Jeff Davis called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM
Invocation: Susan Saravia, EC Thornblade
- Meeting conducted via Zoom and in person at HQ, 2505 Wade Hampton Blvd. Greenville. The purpose of the meeting was to vote on the Resolution Suspending Any Remaining Meetings, basically only cancelling the the two GCRP Executive Committee monthly business meetings for January & February 2023, before March Re-Org. See full Resolution attached below.
- Voting was available by voice on Zoom, Zoom chat, text or phone call to Jeff Davis or Joe McLaughlin, Credentials, or email to team@greenvilleGOP.com, or in person at HQ.
- The required quorum was obtained at 10am by both Zoom and in person attendance.
- Voting commenced at 10:02 am and ended at 11:00 am per the Notice.
- Votes were recorded by both Joe McLaughlin, and Janice Neikirk, Secretary and observed by both Olga Lisinska and Susana Saravia, among others present at HQ.
- Tallies were kept two ways – written list with full name, precinct, and vote; and also by recording on the Credentials List.
- [NOTE: Pursuant to the Call to Special Meeting, voting was a simple YES / NO, from 10AM – 11AM, via ZOOM (link below), Email (team@greenvilleGOP.com) or Text/Call to Joe McLaughlin, Credential Chair (864-477-0387) or Jeff Davis (843-901-8036). [Calls were independently verified over speaker phone.]. In person voting, questions and socializing was also encouraged and welcomed at HQ. Doors opened at 9:30AM.]
- After reviewing both tallies, the final vote was 50 YES with two proxies, and 5 NO.
- Joe McLaughlin, Credential Chair, retained both originals.
The meeting ended officially at 11:00 AM; tallying and double checking ended at 11:26 am.
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