GCRP HQ, Greenville, SC
Monday, July 11, 2022
Call to Order: GCGOP Chairman Jeff Davis called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Invocation: Karen Mitchell, (Mauldin 5 EC)
Pledge of Allegiance: Bob Dowd, (Clear Creek EC)
Republican Creed: Yvonne Julian, (1st Vice Chair)
Welcome Elected & Club Officials, New Visitors, Veterans/Families: Jeff Davis
Al Hodges, Ben Carper Dist 23, Janice Curtis, SB Dist 28, Yvonne Julian Dist 25
Meeting Calendar: Next business meeting will be September 12, 2022 @ GCRP HQ
Special Report: SC Senator Shane Martin
- Constitutional Carry-an amendment to strengthen was downvoted by 9 Republican senators, but the gap is narrowing. Plan to revisit in 2023.
- Rebate to taxpayers: a state income tax rebate is in the works
- Pay increase and sign on bonus for state troopers
- Election integrity: cancelled drop boxes, voter ID tightened up
- SCGOP has not been vocal about calling for Closed Primaries, WHY?
- Too many RINOs to abolish abortion altogether (re overturn of Roe v Wade)
- January is the soonest election machine problem can be addressed
- DHEC/Vaxx passport: no money in their budget until 6/30/2023 due to Corbin/Martin proviso
June 22 Primary Update – Jeff Davis: need poll workers and poll watchers
Joe Farmer discussed status of School Board and Water District openings
State EC Report – Mike Voaden: Mike stated that he was unable to ascertain his standing in the state EC board prior to the 6/18 meeting. At the meeting he was told that Greenville Co needed a quorum of all filled EC seats in order to vote for state EC position. Jeff Davis, Chairman, is the proxy. All election protest hearings were denied. Joe Dill protest is in the hands of outside counsel. Discussion ensued re primaries.
Capture SC-ReOrg 2023:
Legislative Liaison- Harrison Musselwhite discussed how SCGOP broke the law in numerous ways
- Title 7 – all Poll Workers must take the oath, and then it must be recorded and filed with the Clerk of Court.
- All machines are to be certified – NONE were certified. The company hired to “certify” the machines isn’t certified!
- Early voting: it was open 8-10 days BEFORE election day. State law says 2 days before.
- Cheating has always gone on in the SC state elections and will continue. 37 State ECS think it’s okay to cheat. Only 7 voted for election integrity.
Keith Blandford, Charleston County: The goal is individual sovereignty – it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Election Goals: every election is same day, paper ballot. By insisting on this, we can flush out the RINOs.
Pamela Goodwin, Lexington/Midlands – SC Women for Trump: Used the MySCGOP template for Re-Org, and everyone that was trained took their EC position. God is sovereign, there is hope in Jesus!
Credentials Report: Joe McLaughlin, Westside EC – 70 precincts were represented; there is a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: David Duerling, Maridel EC moved to accept; seconded. Voice vote – Ayes have it unanimously.
Approval of Minutes – Jeff Davis, Chairman: Requested a Motion to Approve Minutes of June 6, 2022 as presented in email to all ECs and GCRP members. No changes were required. David Duerling, Maridel EC moved, Atir Sveska-Sharpe, Gville 5 EC, seconded; ayes have it unanimously. Minutes of Special Meeting on 6/23 presented. David Duerling moved, Mike Voaden, EC Walnut Springs seconded, ayes have it unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Wheeler, Treasurer: Bank balance was $7,559.39, income $735 (donations), expenses $1,996.07, ending balance $6,298.32. Motion to Accept the Treasurer’s Report made by David Duerling, seconded by Janice Neikirk, EC Castle Rock. The Ayes have it.
Rule 4(C)(3) – Vacating EC Positions (Round #2) – Jeff Davis
- Randy Page, moved. No vote needed.
- Esther Wagner, absent. Janice Neikirk moved to remove; Bob Dowd seconded. Unanimous ayes.
- Tim Schulyer, absent. Yvonne Julian moved to remove; Karen Mitchell, seconded. Unanimous ayes.
- Dianne Mitchell, absent. Angie Fisher moved to remove; Susana Saravia seconded, unanimously passed.
- Rick Mossner, absent. Janice Neikirk moved to remove; Greg Peck seconded, unanimously passed.
- Gayle Stanley, absent. Atir Sveska-Sharpe moved to remove, Walt Horin seconded, unanimously passed.
Chairman’s Report: Jeff Davis
- 3rd Vice Chair and State EC elections will be held in a special meeting in August. No regular business meeting in August – hold a precinct meeting!
- There is a 2nd Convention being called by SCGOP scheduled for July 30th. More information will follow.
Old Business: None to be covered
New Business:
- Evert Headley, proxy for TR1, presented Motion re Ellen Weaver, Republican candidate for State Superintendent. Todd Frederick, Piedmont EC, seconded. Discussion ensued. Motion to Table for Sept 12th business meeting made by Bob Dowd, seconded by Mike Voaden. Ayes have it.
- Jeff Davis presented motion to Censure Sen Lindsey Graham for his Affirmative Vote of the Safer Communities Act (anti 2nd Amendment legislation). Motion to Accept made by Atir Sveska-Sharpe, seconded by Janice Neikirk, Castle Rock EC. Unanimously passed.
Motion to Adjourn made by Griffin Callahan 4th Vice Chair, seconded. The ayes have it unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:14 PM
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