Minutes of the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee Meeting

Hilton Hotel, Greenville, SC
Monday, May 2, 2022

Call to Order: GCGOP Chairman Jeff Davis called the meeting to order at 6:59 pm

Invocation: Kay Hunsicker, Kilgore Farms, EC

Pledge of Allegiance: Jeannie Collins, Botany Woods

Republican Creed: Liz Liokumovich, Tyger River, EC

Welcome Elected Officials, Club Officials, Veterans/Families: Jeff Davis

Meeting Calendar: Next business meeting will be June 6th, 2022; location TBD

Special Presentation: Trennis Evans re January 6th Detainees (www.condemnedusa.com)

The horrible living conditions of our jailed Patriots was discussed. They are being held without bail, and no access to family, or attorneys. Their charges are non-violent offenses and they have been locked up for over a year. Our attorney general does have power he can wield for South Carolinians being unlawfully held. More details will be forthcoming at Rock the Red this weekend. Susana Saravia led us in prayer for Trennis and the J6ers.

Legislative Liaison: Harrison Musselwhite Call to Action re H4608 – Save Women’s Sports – contact your senator to vote yes on HB4608

Rock the Red – will be held this weekend May 6 & 7. There are over 30 speakers covering both days. There is a 10% discount for pre-registration. Issues covered included Medical Freedom, domestic and international issues, and many others. Online streaming pass is also available.

Credentials Report: Joe McLaughlin, Westside EC – 76 precincts were represented; there is a quorum.

Approval of Agenda: David Duerling, EC Maridel, moved that the agenda be accepted as presented, seconded. Voice vote – Ayes have it unanimously.

Old Business – J6 Resolution: Jeff Davis read the Resolution into the record – see attached. Motion was made by Jeff Brown to amend Resolution by adding AG Alan Wilson as #5, seconded by Atir Sveska-Sharpe, EC Greenville 05. Motion to amend passed unanimously. David Duerling moved to pass Resolution as amended, seconded. Resolution passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes – Janice Neikirk, Secretary: Requested a Motion to Approve Minutes of April 4, 2022 if accepted as presented in email to all ECs and GCRP members. No changes were required. Jeff Brown, EC Devenger, moved to approve.

Requested a Motion to Approve the Minutes of the Special Election on April 11, 2022. Jeff Brown moved to amend the Minutes to reflect the actual nature of the discrepancy in the vote for State EC. Janice Neikirk agreed to amend as requested. Motion to Approve Amended Minutes made by Atir Sveska-Sharpe, seconded. Brenda Skipp at this point asked to revisit Minutes of April 4th, but those had already been covered. Jeff Davis led voting – Ayes have it to accept Minutes of April 4th and April 11th (as amended).

Treasurer’s Report: Yvonne Julian, 1st Vice Chair for Mary Wheeler, Treasurer: Bank balance is $9,232.96, income $919.76 (donations), expenses $1,250, ending balance $8,288.39. Brenda Skipp came to the floor and contested the amounts given. Yvonne Julian agreed to send all previous Treasurer Reports to anyone who requested them. Motion to Accept the Treasurer’s Report made by David Duerling, seconded by Janice Neikirk, EC Castle Rock. The Ayes have it.

Chairman’s Report: Jeff Davis

  • Introduction of new GCRP officers: 2nd Vice Chair-Communications, Scott Meehan; 5th Vice Chair-Events, Terry Wicker; Treasurer-Mary Wheeler; State EC-Mike Voaden
  • Announced resignation of 3rd Vice Chair Brett Brocato due to his being in a contested primary. An election for his position will be held in July. Please contact any board member if interested.
  • Mike Voaden, Walnut Springs and State EC, spoke about an active and engaged group of citizens – the Greenville County Republican Party!
  • Kevin Gent, Standing Springs EC, was allowed time to encourage us to urge our neighbors to vote in the upcoming June 14th primary.
  • Information was requested regarding County Council openings, School Board, etc
    • Joe Farmer from the Candidate Recruitment Committee went over the documents that will be sent to Republican candidates including the GCRP Mission Statement and Candidate Pledge. Those who complete the questionnaires will be posted on the website.
  • Jeff Davis announced desired creation of Conflict Resolution Team – please contact him if you wish to be involved

Candidate Introductions

Call to Action by Joe Citeno: Call AG Wilson tomorrow re no due process for J6 detainees.

Motion to Adjourn made by Scott Crosby, Mauldin 6, seconded by Janice Neikirk. The ayes have it unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:11 PM


Treasurer’s Report

  • Beginning Balance: $9,232.00
  • Income: $919.70
  • Expenses: $1,250.00
  • Ending Balance: $8,288.39


  • Donations: $919.70


  • Rent/Utilities: $1,250

Meeting Video